
For a full list of my publications check out my Google Scholar page

Graham, H., Benaud, P., Cunliffe, A., Puttock, A., Chant, J., Elliott, M., Anderson, K. and Brazier, R. (In Review) Using aerial photogrammetry to detect significant canopy height change resulting from beaver foraging. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation (manuscript ID: RSEC-2021-09-0162).

Cunliffe, A., K. Anderson, F. Boschetti, R. Brazier, H. Graham, I. Myers-Smith, T. Astor, et al. 2021. “Global Application of an Unoccupied Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry Protocol for Predicting Aboveground Biomass in Non-Forest Ecosystems.” Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Puttock, A., H. Graham, J. Ashe, D. Luscombe, and R. Brazier. 2021. “Beaver Dams Attenuate Flow: A Multi-Site Study.” Hydrological Processes 35(2), e14017.

Campbell-Palmer, R., Alan Puttock, K. Wilson, A. Leow-Dyke, H. Graham, M. Gaywood, and R. Brazier. 2020. “Using Field Sign Surveys to Estimate Spatial Distribution and Territory Dynamics Following Reintroduction of the Eurasian Beaver to British River Catchments.” River Research and Applications.

Graham, H., A. Puttock, W. Macfarlane, J. Wheaton, J. Gilbert, R. Campbell-Palmer, M. Elliott, M. Gaywood, K. Anderson, and R. Brazier. 2020. “Modelling Eurasian Beaver Foraging Habitat and Dam Suitability, for Predicting the Location and Number of Dams Throughout Catchments in Great Britain.” European Journal of Wildlife Research 66 (3): 42.

Brazier, R., M. Elliott, E. Andison, R. Auster, S. Bridgewater, P. Burgess, J. Chant, et al. 2020a. “River Otter Beaver Trial: Science and Evidence Report. River Otter Beaver Trial, Devon.”

Brazier, R., A.Puttock, H. Graham, R. Auster, K. Davies, and C. Brown. 2020b. “Beaver: Nature’s Ecosystem Engineers.” WIREs Water.

Puttock, A., H. Graham, D. Carless, and R. Brazier. 2018. “Sediment and Nutrient Storage in a Beaver Engineered Wetland.” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (11): 2358–70.

Campbell-Palmer, R., A. Puttock, H. Graham, K. Wilson, G. Schwab, M. Gaywood, and R. Brazier. 2018. “Survey of the Tayside Area Beaver Population 2017-2018.”

Puttock, A., H. Graham, A. Cunliffe, M. Elliott, and R. Brazier. 2017. “Eurasian Beaver Activity Increases Water Storage, Attenuates Flow and Mitigates Diffuse Pollution from Intensively-Managed Grasslands.” Science of The Total Environment 576 (January): 430–43.