generate a panel plot of multiple maps generated with plot_territories
or plot_forage_density
Function to help build a panel plot consisting of multiple plots from different time periods.
scalebar = TRUE,
scalebar_loc = "tl",
north_arrow = TRUE,
north_arrow_loc = "br",
north_arrow_size = 0.5,
guide = FALSE,
guide_fig_height = c(30, 1),
n_col = NULL
- terr_plot_list
list of ggplots generated from either
- scalebar
Boolean to add a scalebar to the last plot in the sequence
- scalebar_loc
character vector to determine the scalebar location on final plot: 'tl', 'bl', 'tr', 'br' Meaning "top left" etc.
- north_arrow
Boolean to add a north arrow to the last plot in the sequence
- north_arrow_loc
character vector to determine the north arrow location on final plot: 'tl', 'bl', 'tr', 'br' Meaning "top left" etc.
- north_arrow_size
numeric to set the size of the north arrow
- guide
Boolean - if TRUE then the legend is extracted from the list of figures and places below the panels
- guide_fig_height
numeric vector length 2 - giving the heights for the figure and lengend objects.
- n_col
integer denoting the number of columns the panel should use. if NULL (the default) the number is generated automatically with
#'# kde plots for panel/animation
fsd_ggplot <- function(.data, p.names, p.ext, add_map_stuff= FALSE){
if (isTRUE(add_map_stuff)){
fsd <- plot_forage_density(.data, basemap = FALSE, guide = FALSE, catchment = RivOtter_Catch_Area,
rivers = FALSE, plot_extent = p.ext, axes_units = FALSE) +
ggplot2::labs(subtitle = sprintf('Beaver Foraging Density: %s', p.names))
} else {
fsd <- plot_forage_density(.data, basemap = FALSE, axes_units = FALSE, north_arrow = FALSE, scalebar = FALSE, guide = FALSE,
catchment = RivOtter_Catch_Area, rivers = FALSE, plot_extent = p.ext) +
ggplot2::labs(subtitle = p.names)
# get name list for plots
plot_names <- unique(RivOtter_FeedSigns$SurveySeason)
ras_ext <- inflate_bbox(RivOtter_FeedSigns, 250)
# generate KDE rasters for all survey periods
kde_ras_list <- RivOtter_FeedSigns %>%
dplyr::group_by(SurveySeason) %>%
dplyr::group_map(., ~forage_density(., 'FeedCat', kd_extent = ras_ext))
#> Error in spatialEco::sp.kde(forage_points, y = forage_points$weights, bw = kern_bw, nr = dims$nrows[1], nc = dims$ncols[1], newdata = kd_extent, standardize = standardise): unused arguments (nr = dims$nrows[1], nc = dims$ncols[1], newdata = kd_extent)
# generate panel plot showing sequence of feeding density maps
kde_panel <- kde_ras_list %>%
purrr::map2(.x=., .y=plot_names, ~fsd_ggplot(.x, .y,
inflate_bbox(RivOtter_Catch_Area, 200))) %>%
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'kde_ras_list' not found