Function to Animate a list of maps generated with either plot_territories
or plot_forage_density
This function generates an animation between map time steps to visualise change over time using the magick package.
filename = NULL,
x_pix = 1200,
y_pix = 675,
pix_res = 96,
n_frames = 10,
fps = 5
- map_list
A list of ggplot objects generated with either
- filename
character string for the save path if saving to disk is required.
- x_pix
numeric denoting width of the animation canvas in pixels
- y_pix
numeric denoting height of the animation canvas in pixels
- pix_res
numeric denoting canvas resolution
- n_frames
numeric for the number of frames to use for transitions
- fps
numeric for the number of frames per second for the resulting animation
if (FALSE) {
# kde plots for panel/animation
fsd_ggplot <- function(.data, p.names, p.ext, add_map_stuff= FALSE){
if (isTRUE(add_map_stuff)){
fsd <- plot_forage_density(.data, guide = FALSE, catchment = RivOtter_Catch_Area,
rivers = TRUE, plot_extent = p.ext, axes_units = FALSE) +
ggplot2::labs(subtitle = sprintf('Beaver Foraging Density: %s', p.names))
} else {
fsd <- plot_forage_density(.data, axes_units = FALSE, north_arrow = FALSE, scalebar = FALSE, guide = FALSE,
catchment = RivOtter_Catch_Area, rivers = TRUE, plot_extent = p.ext) +
ggplot2::labs(subtitle = p.names)
# get name list for plots
plot_names <- unique(RivOtter_FeedSigns$SurveySeason)
ras_ext <- inflate_bbox(RivOtter_FeedSigns, 250)
# generate KDE rasters for all survey periods
kde_ras_list <- RivOtter_FeedSigns %>%
dplyr::group_by(SurveySeason) %>%
dplyr::group_map(., ~forage_density(., 'FeedCat', kd_extent = ras_ext))
# animate kernel density rasters
kde_animation <- kde_ras_list %>%
purrr::map2(.x=., .y=plot_names, ~fsd_ggplot(.x, .y, inflate_bbox(RivOtter_Catch_Area, 200),
add_map_stuff = TRUE)) %>%