Animate the spread of simulated territories from beavertools::territory_cap()
This (somewhat experimental) funtion allows the user to simulate the expansion of beaver populations. At present this isvery simple and territories in the largest channels with the best habitat are occupied first. We intend to develop this function to allow for alternative expansion hypotheses.
buffer = 50,
river_net = NULL,
basemap = TRUE,
basemap_type = "osmgrayscale",
axes_units = TRUE,
scalebar = TRUE,
scalebar_loc = "tl",
north_arrow = TRUE,
north_arrow_loc = "br",
north_arrow_size = 0.75,
wgs = FALSE,
guide = FALSE,
catchment = NULL,
rivers = FALSE,
add_hillshade = FALSE,
plot_extent = NULL,
filename = NULL,
x_pix = 1200,
y_pix = 675,
pix_res = 96,
n_frames = 3,
fps = 5
- terr_capacity
output from
which gives the maximum number of territories that can fit within the catchment.- buffer
the buffer size to use to visualise the territories - larger buffers are better for visualising the territories but can give the impression of overlap between territories.
- river_net
Supply the river network or BeaverNetwork useed to generate the terr_capacity object. This is added as a basemap layer to display the river network.
- basemap
Boolean, include an OSM basemap. (optional)
- basemap_type
Character vector for osm map type. for options see
- axes_units
Boolean to include coordinate values on axis.
- scalebar
Boolean to include a scalebar.
- scalebar_loc
character vector for the scalebar location one of:'tl', 'bl', 'tr', 'br' Meaning "top left" etc.
- north_arrow
Boolean to include a north arrow
- north_arrow_loc
character vector for the arrow location one of:'tl', 'bl', 'tr', 'br' Meaning "top left" etc.
- north_arrow_size
numeric vector for the arrow
- wgs
Boolean to transform coordinate reference system (CRS) to WGS84 (EPSG:4326)
- guide
Boolean to include a legend
- catchment
An sf object or an sf-readable file. See sf::st_drivers() for available drivers. This feature should be a boundary such as a catchment or Area of interest. It is used to mask the map region outside of desired AOI.
- rivers
Boolean to include river lines (downloaded automatcally using the osmdata package). Probably not reuired if 'river_net' argument is supplied.
- add_hillshade
Boolean to add an osm hillshade background map. This can be combined with 'basemap_type' to create a textured basemap.
- plot_extent
'bbox', 'sf' or 'sp' object defining the desired plot extent.
- filename
character string for the save path if saving to disk is required.
- x_pix
numeric denoting width of the animation canvas in pixels
- y_pix
numeric denoting height of the animation canvas in pixels
- pix_res
numeric denoting canvas resolution
- n_frames
numeric for the number of frames to use for transitions
- fps
numeric for the number of frames per second for the resulting animation
- terr_colours
option to supply a custom colour palette. If NULL then a random colour palette is generated.
if (FALSE) {
# ---------- Subset dataset for example to reduce computation time -----------
BeavNetOtter <- RivOtter_BeaverNet[RivOtter_BeaverNet$Str_order > 3,]
# ---------- run terriroty generation --------
test_out <- gen_territories(BeavNetOtter)
# ------------- Run territory cap -------------
test_TC_par <-territory_cap(test_out, multicore = TRUE)
# now animate the spead of territories through catchment
animate_capacity(test_TC_par, buffer = 75, river_net = BeavNetOtter,
x_pix=600, y_pix=675)